Interview with Noan: “I have always admired El Canto del Loco. I think Dani Martín would be a dream collaboration”

Music news

Noah has been through a lot since that first single released in 2020. To See You Smile marked the beginning of a trajectory that, to this day, it doesn't stop growing. After four years of non-stop presenting music and even a Benidorm Fest in between, the artist now presents his first debut album, Space Person.

The one from the Basque Country has gone through WECB to tell us all the details about the production of such work. It hasn't been the only thing. His dream collaboration, his summer tour with WECB Summer Live and his live songs have been some of the topics discussed in the interview.

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Let's start with the most important thing. In a few hours, your first studio album will be released under the title of Space PersonWhat does it mean to you, after so many singles, to finally release your debut album?

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Well, it's something I've always dreamed of as a musician, as a singer, to have my album. We have made a super nice path of continuing to release songs little by little, especially in a style that has always represented me. I have done what I like most, which is pop, pop rock. And well, I have managed to shape the album with seven other new songs that are going to be released. I am very excited.

You have been presenting singles as previews that will be included on the album. Regarding new songs that haven't been heard yet, what do you think is the biggest difference between what you've shown and what hasn't been heard yet?

Mainly that they are new. I think all the songs are really quite cohesive and have a connection. Maybe there are a couple of songs on the album like Southern Brunette and Mi+1 that have a more summery tone. Now the new ones I'm going to release are more rock songs. And there are also going to be a couple of ballads that I haven't released until now. So I really want people to see that tender part of rock too.

And what has it been like for you to get into a studio? Because I imagine that creating a song is not the same as creating an entire album. Is it a composition that you have done alone or have you had help?

Yes, there are many songs that I mean, I am the composer of my songs. I have composed many of them alone because I also like to maintain the intimacy of the room, of the composition, of solitude, but there are others in which I have included composers whom I admire a lot, such as Andrés Suárez.

Is there any collaboration or anything special on the album that you can tell us about? Or are the rest of the songs we have left to hear solo?

After what I have been presenting there will not be any more collaboration. I think that is one of the special parts because I think my audience is used to quite a few collaborations, since I have released quite a few with Marlene or Sofía Ellar among others. I think it's nice that suddenly you're going to hear seven songs of mine in which there is no collaboration.

What does the title mean? Space Person?

I've tried to play with words. Is called Space Person, but inside the album there is a song called Special and there I talk about what it means for a person to be special to you and at the same time I also mention that relationship with feeling like you are in space.

Promotional photo of Noan for his debut album 'Espacial Person'

Promotional photo of Noan for his debut album 'Persona Espacial'

And of all those songs that haven't been released yet, which one do you think you identify with the most on the entire album?

I think that my teenage self, one of those with Green Day or Blink references, connects very well with a song on my album called Weird Bugs. I feel at the Institute, as if I were the new one. My current self connects quite a bit with another song called Room 103which is a song with other references, perhaps more from Leiva and much more mature.

If your discography stands out for something, it is the large number of collaborations you have released. If you could choose the next one, which one would you choose?

If I had to choose a collaboration, man, I would dream of something super mega heavy like Green Day, for example, but I think that in Spain I have always admired El Canto del Loco. I think Dani Martín would be a dream collaboration.

Which single of those that you have presented so far do you think is the one that has contributed the most to you or the one that has helped you the most to grow as an artist?

I notice at concerts that there is a song that is You kill methat people jump and get very excited. We all go crazy and it is a song that, yes, shows a very, very, very special energy. In fact, it's what I usually end concerts with.


Noan in concert with los40 in Valladolid #noan #los40 #valladolid #concert #summerlive #fyp #parati

♬ original sound – javier12garcia

And speaking of concerts, you've been summer tour in WECB Summer LiveWhat is it like for you to face an audience that goes to see different artists at the same time? How do you cope? How do you prepare that show for someone who may have never seen you?

I prepare myself and I have to prepare myself to do it exactly the same as if it were my audience, that is, in the sense that I even take it as a small challenge. I'm not trying to convince that audience to listen to my music but rather to teach them what I like most. It's very nice and it's very different to sing in a room for your audience than on a festival tour. You have to convince yourself that you have to go out with everything because if there are 15,000 people, even if there are 10,000 who don't know you, I think that experience is very nice.

And in all those concerts you have gotten together with a lot of different artists. Has there been any, not only collaboration, but any friendship that you didn't expect?

Well yes, for example with Vicco. It seems not, but well in the end so many days getting together, waiting to go on stage, being together, eating, partying, in the end you create a lot of relationship. It's happened to me with many of them.

You released your first single in 2020, what do you think, beyond the maturity in the lyrics, is the main difference between that first song and the songs on the album?

In the end, what I do has always been what I like. I have always done pop rock, the first single was pop rock. Perhaps a notable difference is my voice, which seems not to be the case, but at the end of the day, you change the style a little of how you adapt to singing. I also think that I have dared to return to that essence, not from when I released that song in 2020, but to the songs that I played with my Green Day tribute group when I was 14 years old. It's like going back to my teenage days.

And after the album, there will be a tour. How is it presented?

In fact, today we announced a tour. We are going to play in Madrid, in the Wizink Center room, in Barcelona, ​​in Valencia, in Alicante, in Oviedo, in San Sebastián. I'm incredibly excited now because we're going to show the album that we haven't played live yet, logically, and I'm looking forward to presenting those songs.

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And how would you define yourself as an artist for everyone who hasn't heard you now that your first album is coming?

It's hard for me to sell myself. I like it more when someone recommends it, but I think that I could be recommended as a person who makes pop music, rock music with a lot of force, with a lot of energy. With that freshness too, with a new sound different from the rest. I think you can see a bit of that difference between the sound more from before and more from now. And we have incredible directness, meaning that everyone has to listen to us.

And what has it been like for you in the end, starting out as an emerging artist, to find a niche in a music industry that is quite demanding today?

Well, I think it was a big deal, absolutely. I think music is very complicated. Everything in life in general is complicated. What am I going to say to you with journalism. But I think it has been a job of going on and on and not doing it at all for any reason other than because I am passionate about it, that is, if you do it with pure passion I believe that things will come.

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Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.