“Aghori Mhori Mei”, The Smashing Pumpkins’ thirteenth album, follows the monumental trilogy project “Atum: A Rock Opera in Three Acts”.
“Atum” was something atypical for the band’s career and, personally, something to forget quite quickly (I think I listened to it only once and that was more than enough for me).
After that experience, Corgan and his companions seem to have wanted to get back in line with their sound and put an end to their creative arrogance, composing an album without excesses that is a more direct and linear proposal than in the past.
“Aghori Mhori Mei” arrived like a flash, from one day to the next, without too many proclamations and warnings even if, according to the band's frontman himself, it is the result of two years of work. An album that brought the Pumpkins' hands back to the 90s and all in a decidedly credible way.
Ten decent tracks, nothing exceptional, but something that brings us back to the sounds and essence of the band. A stylistic coherence that oozes in all the tracks of the album.
In the end, an unexpected, perhaps the first real album by the reformed Pumpkins.
A good album!
Sighommi – Pentecost – Murnau
A full listen is fine. On the second one I skip a lot…
SCORE : Vote 7.00
1. Edin – RATING 7.00
2. Pentagrams – RATING 7.00
3. Sighommi – RATING 7.00
4. Pentecost – VOTE 7.00
5. War Dreams of Itself – RATING 7.00
6. Who Goes There – RATING 6.50
7. 999 – RATING 7.00
8. Goeth the Fall – RATING 7.00
09. Sicarus – RATING 6.50
10. Murnau RATING 7.00
Gish (1991)
Siamese Dream (1993)
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (1995)
Adore (1998)
Machina/The Machines of God (2000)
Machina II/The Friends & Enemies of Modern Music (2000)
Zeitgeist (2007)
Oceania (2012)
Monuments to an Elegy (2014)
Shiny and Oh So Bright, Vol. 1 / LP: No Past. No Future. No Sun. (2018)
Cyr (2020)
Atum: A Rock Opera in Three Acts (2022–2023)
Aghori Mhori Mei (2024)
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