My Boyfriend Comments On My Weight: How To React?


Navigating a relationship where your partner makes frequent comments about your weight can be emotionally draining and challenging. It’s essential to understand that a healthy relationship should be a “safe zone” where judgment, excessive criticism, and any form of verbal or physical abuse do not belong.

Understanding the Impact of Weight-Related Comments

If your partner often makes remarks about your weight or threatens to leave if you don’t lose weight, this is a red flag. A relationship should foster open communication, sharing emotions, thoughts, and concerns without the fear of ridicule or rejection. Everyone should feel secure and valued for who they are, not just for their physical appearance.

Self-Worth Is Not Skin Deep

It’s crucial to remember that your value doesn’t depend on your physical appearance or weight. Every person is unique, possessing qualities and talents that should be nurtured and valued—attributes that have nothing to do with how much you weigh or how you look.

Building Self-Esteem

To build your self-esteem, focus on attributes like authenticity, empathy, compassion, and personal achievements. Developing a positive body image is also vital. “Focus on your overall well-being and health rather than adhering to subjective and unrealistic beauty standards,” advises clinical psychologist Karen Demange.

Differentiating Between Constructive and Demeaning Criticism

When your boyfriend or husband makes comments about your weight, the first step is to determine whether these remarks are a clumsy attempt at showing concern for your health or if they are demeaning and potentially controlling. Constructive criticism is usually well-meaning and supportive, aimed at encouraging and supporting you. On the other hand, demeaning criticism often stems from negative intentions, such as belittling, humiliating, or controlling you.

Signs to Watch For:

  • Tone and Vocabulary: Constructive criticism is generally expressed respectfully and positively, while demeaning criticism can be hurtful, aggressive, or condescending.
  • Nature of the Criticism: Constructive feedback is specific and supportive, offering concrete suggestions for personal or professional development. Demeaning criticism tends to be vague, general, and lacks direction on how to improve.
  • Emotional Impact: Demeaning criticisms often leave you feeling sad, angry, humiliated, or worthless. Constructive criticisms might be hard to hear but are ultimately taken into consideration without damaging your self-esteem.
  • Frequency: If criticisms are frequent and undermine your self-esteem, they may be a sign of your partner’s attempt to belittle you or exert control.
  • Overall Relationship Context: Constructive feedback should be balanced with encouragement and praise in a healthy relationship. Its goal is to foster improvement without devaluation. Frequent, demeaning criticisms that create anxiety, fear, anger, doubt, and lower self-esteem indicate a toxic relationship dynamic.

Setting Boundaries and Taking Action

“It’s important to consider the validity and intention behind remarks. Above all, you must take care of yourself and set clear boundaries in your relationship,” insists Demange. If these boundaries are not respected, it might be necessary to reconsider the relationship.

In any relationship, it’s essential to promote mutual respect, understanding, and growth. If you find that criticism about your weight is a recurring issue that impacts your well-being, it may be time to have a candid discussion with your partner or seek external support from friends, family, or professionals. Remember, your health and happiness are paramount.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.