8 Years After Winning Two Million Euros In The Lottery, She Has Lost Everything And Now Lives With Her Mother


In a tale that veers from the dream of instant wealth to the harsh reality of financial loss, a woman in England finds herself back at square one after winning and subsequently losing nearly two million euros in the lottery. Despite the turn of events, she insists her spending was judicious.

Eighteen years ago, Lara Griffiths hit the jackpot, securing 1.8 million pounds (approximately 2.097 million euros) from the British lottery. The catch? Within eight years, her fortune had evaporated. Yet, the erstwhile millionaire maintains that her financial decisions were wise.

The windfall prompted Lara and her then-husband to treat themselves to a trip to Dubai. “We flew economy class and didn’t splurge,” Lara shared with the Manchester Evening News. Once back in England, the couple invested 150,000 pounds (around 174,834 euros) in a hair salon venture. But their spending spree didn’t stop there. They also purchased thirty used cars and around fifteen designer bags.

Additionally, Lara chose to take out a mortgage on her home instead of buying it outright. She revealed that her former partner invested 25,000 pounds (29,146 euros) into his budding music career. Meanwhile, Lara left her teaching job in 2006 to dedicate herself full-time to the salon, where she drew no salary.

The Couple Squanders Their Fortune

Sadly, the financial bliss was short-lived. Eight years post-lottery win, Lara separated from her husband, by which time they had depleted their wealth.

Since then, Lara has faced criticism for allegedly squandering her winnings. She recounts, “It became clear to others that the lottery had ruined my life. People kept saying I was foolish, that I was blowing it on cosmetic surgery, and that my children should be taken from me.”

Lara counters, “But I spent my money wisely and enjoyed myself… Everyone always asks what it feels like to win the lottery. But it’s not a tangible feeling.”

Today, Lara lives with her two teenage daughters in her mother’s four-bedroom house. “I’ve spent the last ten years of my life ensuring my children have a nice life despite everything.”

Lara’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities surrounding sudden wealth. It’s a journey from elation to adversity, highlighting the unpredictable nature of fortune and the enduring value of resilience and family support.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.