Selfish People: 10 Things They Do And How To Deal With Them


In an era that seems to be increasingly self-centered, it’s not uncommon to come across individuals who could be described as selfish in our day-to-day lives. From personal experience, I can tell you, navigating relationships with such individuals—whether in the workplace, within the family, or among friends—requires a blend of tact, understanding, and firm boundaries.

Let’s dive into the ten behaviors commonly exhibited by selfish people and explore some strategies for dealing with them effectively and constructively.

1. The Conversation Revolves Around Them

Have you ever been trapped in a conversation that feels more like a monologue? Selfish people often dominate discussions, focusing on their achievements, problems, and interests, seemingly oblivious to anyone else’s perspective. In such situations, assertiveness is key. Gently steer the conversation to more inclusive topics or, when necessary, point out the need for balance in dialogue.

2. Their Interests Come First

Choosing a restaurant or making plans without considering others’ preferences is a classic move of the self-centered. They might even manipulate situations to serve their ends. Setting clear boundaries and learning to say no is crucial when dealing with such individuals. Asserting your needs and desires becomes essential to prevent being overshadowed.

3. A Lack of Gratitude

One telling sign of selfishness is an apparent lack of appreciation. These individuals might take others’ efforts for granted, expecting services and favors without offering anything in return. Maintaining your self-worth and limiting overextension in these relationships can help preserve your sanity and encourage a healthier exchange.

4. Emotional Indifference

Ever felt like someone just can’t comprehend or doesn’t care about what you’re going through? Selfish people often struggle with empathy, seeming indifferent to others’ feelings. It’s important not to take this personally and to remind them, gently, that empathy is crucial in any meaningful relationship.

5. Hoarding Resources

Whether it’s time, attention, or material goods, selfish individuals tend to keep resources to themselves. Promoting the value of sharing and setting up fair rules for resource distribution can mitigate conflicts and foster a sense of community.

6. Constant Comparisons

Life isn’t a competition, but try telling that to someone who’s always measuring up. These comparisons can stem from a place of insecurity and lead to jealousy. Focusing on your self-worth and achievements, rather than getting caught in a comparison trap, is a healthier way to navigate these dynamics.

7. Criticism Doesn’t Sit Well With Them

Feedback is tough for everyone, but selfish people might take it particularly hard, often responding with defensiveness or counterattacks. Approach them with calm, constructive criticism, focusing on solutions rather than problems, to foster a more open dialogue.

8. Superficial Relationships

Deep, meaningful connections are challenging for selfish individuals, who might prefer relationships that offer immediate benefits. Recognizing this can help you decide when it might be healthier to distance yourself and seek out more fulfilling, balanced relationships.

9. Blaming Others for Their Failures

It’s easier to point fingers than to accept responsibility, a common trend among the selfish. Encourage accountability gently but firmly, without allowing guilt or manipulation to affect your sense of responsibility.

10. Unrealistic Expectations

Dealing with someone who expects the moon, without acknowledging their own or others’ limitations, is draining. Setting realistic boundaries and communicating your capabilities clearly can help manage these expectations.

In conclusion, while selfishness can be a challenging trait to navigate in relationships, understanding and strategic responses can mitigate its impact. Remember, it’s about finding a balance between empathy for others and respect for your own needs and boundaries.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.