Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor They shared their last decades of life. They laughed like children, they watched Disney movies together, they had dinner, they talked, they gave each other expensive gifts. She gave him an Asian elephant. He organized and covered the expenses of her eighth wedding… at his famous Neverland ranch. They had a lot in common. Their childhoods had been very similar. Theirs went beyond friendship. Theirs was love: “Michael and I love each other, like a brother and sister.” On February 16, 1997, Jackson gave Taylor the most special birthday gift. He created for her what he knew how to do best, a song in which he declared his love for her: ‘Elizabeth I Love You’.
It happened in Los Angeles. In the mid 80s. Elizabeth Taylor had attended a Michael Jackson concert. Previously, he had sent the actress a dozen VIP tickets. But When Liz arrived, she got angry.. Was very far from the stage. I couldn’t hear or see the show properly.. Bothers, left the premises. Throughout his performance, Michael was thinking, “Oh my God. “Elizabeth Taylor is here, watching me.”. When they told her what had happened, she felt terrible. He called her the next day, cryingand she explained what happened. From that moment on, they became friends. They telephoned frequently. Three months later, He proposed meeting for tea. He would go with his inseparable Bubbles (his chimpanzee). She do not cares. He also adored animals.
Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor leaving a party in 1986 / Michael Ochs Archives
The chemistry was immediate. As Liz told Hollywood Reporter: “We met up and started spending more and more time together. We became very good friends. “We told each other everything”. his was a unique friendship. 27 years separated them. Supposedly, They came from different worlds. Her closeness aroused great curiosity. It seemed implausible. But Michael and Elizabeth became much more than good friends during the last decades of their lives.. The beautiful protagonist of ‘Cleopatra’ even said, “Michael and I love each other, like a brother and sister”.
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Elizabeth Taylor in her 1997 birthday special / ABC Television
Even Oprah Winfrey commented to the English actress, “People Try to make your friendship seem weird.” “It is not”, she responded bluntly. “Our childhoods are very similar. I was a child star at nine years old, I had an authoritarian fatherand That kind of thing united us from the first moment”. In 1992, Taylor visited ‘The Tonight Show’ and said that Neither of them had had a childhood, they had felt alone: “there were no children to talk to and we suffered loneliness.” For his part, the ‘Thriller’ performer wrote in his book ‘Moonwalk’: “I love Elizabeth Taylor. I am inspired by her courage. She is a survivor. I identify with her fervently because of our experiences as child stars. When we started talking on the phone He told me that he felt like he had known me for years.”.
They were showered with gifts. She, for example, one day he showed up with an elephantwhich he called Gypsy. She took him to the ranch herself, in her helicopter. He, for her part, surprised Liz with a large tapestry of herself, a unique piece that “looked like a painting, but it wasn’t.” It was handcrafted, piece by piece, and he had written on the back, “Elizabeth… I love you… Michael.” They had dinner together occasionallythey visitedand they are countless times they appeared together publicly, holding hands either arm in arm.

Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson at the 1986 American Music Awards / Bob Scott
In October 1991, Elizabeth got married with Larry Fortensky, her eighth husband, in Neverland. Michael paid everything and he was in charge to take the bride to the altar, in addition to organizing the ceremony attended by 160 privileged guests. AND Taylor openly defended her friend in the hardest moments of his life, when he was accused of child abuse. On the Larry King show, he revealed: “…I’ve been there, when his nephews were there, and we’d all get into bed and watch TV. There was nothing sentimental. We laughed like children and watched a lot of Walt Disney movies. There is nothing strange about that.”

Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor / Daniel Christian
Michael Jackson He did not proclaim himself ‘King of Pop’ as has been said so many times. That title was given to her by Elizabeth Taylor, as he himself confessed to Oprah Winfrey: “I didn’t proclaim myself in any way. I am happy being who I am. The first to publicly say ‘King of Pop’ was Elizabeth Taylor at an awards ceremony.” And he continued: “And the fansto all the stadiums where he playedthey carried banners saying ‘King of Pop’, and the They sang outside my hotel… so It became something that just happened all over the world.”. The gala that Michael was referring to was the 3rd edition of the Soul Train Awards on April 12, 1989. That day he received the ‘Heritage Award’ from Taylor, who in his speech said: “In my opinion, He is the true king of pop, rock and soul. Mr. Michael Jackson”.

On February 16, 1997a few days before his 65th birthday, Jacko gave Liz a song, “Elizabeth I love you.” He wrote and performed it in his honor only once.…because she was “one of the most loyal, loving, and caring people I know.”

After the death of the ‘King of Pop’, on June 25, 2009, Taylor shared a deeply emotional statement. “My heart… my mind… are broken. I loved Michael with all my soul and I can’t imagine life without him. We had a lot in common and had a lot of fun together. I keep looking at a photo of him that he gave me, in which he wrote: ‘To my true love, Elizabeth. I will always love you'”. Taylor adds: “And I will always love HIM.”
One of her last public appearances was at Michael’s funeral, sitting in his wheelchair. She was then very sick. After a career that spanned seven decades, she passed away on March 23, 2011, almost two years after his friend, his brother, his love… Michel Jackson.